Saturday, June 14, 2008

saying goodbye..

has got to be the hardest thing in the world. watching someone who was your scape goat just up and leave, but you're the only one she's saying bye too. you know it is the right thing for her to do, but it's hard to watch all the good times fade. she is my best friend, like a sister, i trust her with my life and she was someone i could count on, more than anything. i know i still can but it hurts to much to watch her leave. i'll help her packk, that will be so hard, she's packing up her life. i wish i could go with her but i can't, i have school, family and commitments. i know it is the right thing for her to do. she wants a fresh start, she wants to start over. for her, for her son. god it's so hard to to write this, i know she will read it. when she does i want her to know i love her. i know i sound like a dyke but she needs to know how much she has really impacted my life. she is my best friend, my other half, my sister, my mom:)<3 she is the laughter, and she is the friend that can make me laugh even when i don't want to smile. she makes my tears turn in to happy tears. you're my best friend bitch... dont forget it!!!